Tillari Irrigation Project is a joint venture of Government of Goa and Government of Maharashtra, to irrigate an area of 23654 ha (16978 Ha in Goa and 6676 Ha in Maharashtra) benefiting Pernem, Bicholim and Bardez talukas in North Goa district of Goa State and Dodamarg and Sawantwadi Taluka of Sindhudurg in Maharashtra State. The Project was initially started during 1986 in Maharashtra and 1988 in Goa State, at an estimated cost of Rs. 217.22 crores which includes a sum of Rs. 67.15 crores for the canal Network in Goa State.
The main earthen Dam, Pickup weir, Saddle Dam and ICPO and initial stretch of canals are in Maharashtra. The canal network of Goa lies in Goa. The common cost of the project is shared between the two Governments, as per the utilization of water which works out to 73.30 : 26.70% by Goa and Maharashtra respectively. Provision to the extent of 57.43 MCM of water was also made for domestic and industries purpose for Goa State.
The Goa Tillari Irrigation Development Corporation was formed as a Special Purpose Vehicle to mobilize resources and complete the Project. Accordingly, resources were availed of by floating of Bond issue and availing Term loan from Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation. The Project has also availed of Central Assistance in the form of loans and grants since year 2001-02.
At present, the Headwork (i.e.) Main Dam, Pickup weir, Irrigation cum Outlet Power Tunnel have been completed. The Saddle dam has reached up to crest level of the spillway gate. The main common canals in Maharashtra have also been completed. It is expected that the balance will be completed by year 2009 to 10.
In Goa, main canal works have been completed to the extent of 90% and the balance will be completed by year 2009. The work on distributaries such as B/1, B/2, B/3 and B/7 are completed and works on B/4, B/8 and B/6 are in progress on Right Bank Main Canal. The Sal, Vadaval and Mencurem distributaries on Left Bank Main Canal has been completed and works on Revora I, Revora II, Siolim and Tivim distributaries are in progress. So far, potential to the extent of 5741 Ha has been created. It is proposed to complete the project by year 2010.
In order to utilize the created potential Command Area Development Works have also been taken up and a CAD potential to the extend of 1043 ha has already been created and out of which 253 ha has been utilized. 20 Nos. of Water User Association Societies have also been formed. It is proposed to complete the CAD works by year 2011 to 12.
The latest estimated cost of the Project as a whole works out to Rs. 1390.04 crores which includes a sum of Rs. 400.44 crores for the canal network in Goa State. As on 31.03.2008 an amount of 608.48 crores was incurred by Government of Goa which includes a sum of Rs. 347.00 crores advanced to Government of Maharastra towards Share cost for common works.
Joint Venture of Govt. of Maharashtra and Goa.
- River Basin:Tillari River Basin
- Located in:Maharashtra and Goa
- Type of Project:Irrigation Project
- Talukas Benefited:6676 Ha. of Sawantwadi Taluka (Sindhudurg District, Maharashtra). 16970 Ha. from Bicholim, Bardez and Pernem Talukas (Goa)
Maharashtra | Goa | Total | |
Gross Command Area | 7998 | 20338 | 28336 |
Culturable Command Area | 6676 | 16978 | 23654 |
Kharif Irrigation | 3338 | 8489 | 11827 |
Rabi Irrigation | 2326 | 8490 | 10826 |
Perennials Irrigation | 2325 | 5943 | 8278 |
Hot-weather | 1669 | 1698 | 3367 |