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The Water Resources Department implements Schemes for  construction of wells for irrigation  purpose under Minor Irrigation ( through out) Goa and under Western Ghat Development programme  in three Talukas i.e.Sattari, Sanguem Canacona for group of farmers and under Irrigation wells scheme (subsidy)for indiviual/Group of farmers(Please refer Notification No.  80-1/CE-DWER-EO/2001-02/1394 dt.24/1/ Appendix-VII)The beneficiaries are requested to refer Circular No.25-2/SE-CPO-DWR/2002-03/454, dated: 17th , December, 2002 as Appendix - I. 

The beneficiaries may approach below mentioned officers as per type of well/ jurisdiction indicated below:


Type of Work

Site in

 Concerned Officers


Dug Wells

North Goa

Executive Engineer, Works Division-I (W.R.D.), Patto, Panaji-Goa.


Dug Wells

South Goa except Canacona

Executive Engineer, Works Division-II, (W.R.D.), Irrigation Complex,Gogal, Margao-Goa.


Dug Wells


Executive Engineer, Works Division-XI(W.R.D.),, Irrigation Complex, Gogal, Margao- Goa.


Shallow & Bore Wells

Throughout Goa

Executive Engineer, Works Division-III,( (W.R.D.),), Ponda-Goa.


Irrigation wells under subsidy scheme

North Goa &

Executive Engineer, Works Division-I ((W.R.D.),), Patto, Panaji-Goa.

South Goa

Executive Engineer, Works Division-II, (W.R.D.), Irrigation Complex ,Gogal, Margao-Goa.


The work will be taken up with the approval of the Government based on feasibility studies and availability of resources .The beneficiaries are required to pay water rates as per Notification No.309/83/CE- Irrg.Dt. 1/2./1988 (Vide Appendix-II) or its revision  from time to time. You have to submit the proposal along with the documents mentioned in circular No.25-2/SE-CPO-DWR/2002-03/454 dated 17-12-2002 (Refer Appendix-I) to the concerned Officers of the Water Resources Department.

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Last Reviewed & Updated on 11 Nov, 2024